• Flash Reviews: Blindness [movies]

    Blindness (2008)
    Sci-Fi/Drama; Brazil/Canada
    121 mins

    I was pretty jazzercised for "Blindness". It looked cool, people said it was great, but it was all lies! First of all, it's not sci-fi. Not even a little bit. Second, you spend a good 45 minutes watching the characters make tragically stupid decisions that no real person put in the same situation would make. And perhaps the biggest crock of shit about this movie is that Julliane Moore's character CAN FUCKING SEE, yet she allows a bunch of fucked up shit to happen to her and her worthless husband (played by the worthless actor Mark Ruffalo) even though it's completely and utterly within her abilities to stop it from happening because SHE CAN FUCKING SEE and everybody else can't! I know I just dropped some major spoilers there, but believe me, I just did you a favor. Now you don't have to see it.

    This is one of those movies where the entire plot rests on the fact that we buy the ludicrousness of the situation as being believable, yet at no point in the entire run time does it even tread close to the land of believability. Yea, the visuals are nice, but not so nice that you couldn't close your eyes and imagine something much cooler in your head. Just bad, bad, bad all around.

    Give this some time if you're into: unbelievably angsty emo bullshit

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