• Flash Reviews: Gunhed [movies]

    Gunhed (1989)
    Sci-Fi/Action; Japan
    100 mins

    This movie makes no fucking sense. None whatsoever. Reading the twisted origins of the "Gunhed" script it's easy to see why the story is such an utter mess. But it looks really cool. The sets, costumes, character designs, cinematography and atmosphere are all spot on - occasionally bordering on genius, but good luck trying to figure out what the hell it all means. They're on some abandoned man-made research island or something, there's a giant killer mech thing that wants to destroy the world, somebody gets turned into a weird monster cybernetic thing somehow, they're looking for some shit called - I kid you not - "texmexium" (why they didn't just go to Chevy's is beyond me...maybe they don't have gringo food in the future)...I don't know. It makes me sad to think about how epic this movie could have been. All the promise was there, but God damn did they miss the mark. I mean, you should still check it out because there's some cool shit, but maybe watch it on mute or something.

    Give this some time if you're into: mechs, cyberpunk, live-action anime, 80s special effects

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