• Flash Reviews: Idiocracy [movies]

    Idiocracy (2006)
    Comedy/Sci-Fi; USA
    84 mins

    Whenever I watch sci-fi flicks that depict futuristic dystopias I feel a little bit like I'm missing the point. They're supposed to be shitty worlds where everything is dirty, corrupt and just plain fucked up, but I can't help but want to live there. Like "Blade Runner", for instance. I know in my head that I'm supposed to think the future Los Angeles is a bad scene, but to me it looks fuckin' awesome. Seedy underbelly? Synthetic snakes? Hottie humanoid robots? Always night time and raining? Asian street food on every block? Sign me the fuck up, I'm so there!

    There is one film, however, that gets the dystopia right and that's Mike Judge's "Idiocracy". Now this, my friends, is a terrifying prospect for our future. There are no alien invaders or rebelious killer robots bent on destroying humanity, just plain old American stupidity taken to it's logical extreme. This is a world where Costcos are the size of cities, people are plastered head to toe with product placement, the president of the US is a former WWF wrestler (pictured above) and water has been completely replaced with sports drinks.

    The humor in this movie is strange. It's packed full of jokes to the point that they'll walk right by you and you might not even realize it until 2 or 3 viewings later, but only about 5% of the humor is laugh out loud funny. Mostly it's just fun to find all the little silly details that will make you chuckle or say "Oh shit, dude - did you see that?!"

    Give this some time if you're into: Futurama, Office Space, stoner comedy, making fun of stupid people

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