Drama; China
112 minutes
I don't have a whole lot to say about "Lost in Beijing" except that you need to see this motherfucker, stat! It's a very understated movie on the surface, but it packs a lot of unexpected turns into it's unassuming facade.
The story centers around two couples dealing with the fallout of a workplace rape, the unplanned pregnancy resulting from it and the attempted blackmail resulting from that. The handheld cinematography is top notch and the way the director captures the city and all it's many anonymous nooks and crannies on film really draws you into these characters' reality. It's a beautiful, but also incredibly engaging and entertaining film about naivety, hopelessness, desperation and the lengths people will go to for the sake of their own pride. Usually when people describe movies like that they sound wanky and overly emo, but "Lost in Beijing" manages to deal with some pretty angsty subject manner in a way that doesn't make it cheesy or heavyhanded.
Give this some time if you're into: Down to earth, sometimes unflatteringly honest filmmaking, Wong Kar Wai's films, movies that get banned in their own country, shaky cam
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