• Flash Reviews: Appleseed Ex Machina [anime]

    Appleseed Ex Machina (2007)
    Sci-Fi/Action/Animation; Japan
    105 minutes

    First off I should say that I really liked Shinji Aramaki's first "Appleseed" movie. I've always had a soft spot for the franchise, ever since seeing the 80s OVA adaptation years ago. "Appleseed Ex Machina", however...not so much. I really wanted to like this one too.

    The main problem with "Ex Machina" is that it's all John Woo'd out like a motherfucker. We're talking duel weilding pistol, bullet-time, slow motion dove shots and all - John Woo'd out. And it just doesn't work. This movie is littered with "Bubblegum Crisis" nods, but even that couldn't save the totally random and ultimately lame storyline that basically amounts to "your iphone is turning you into a slave for the man". Skip this one, watch the first "Appleseed" movie instead.

    Give this some time if you're into: Shinji Aramaki, mechs, cybernetics, John Woo's tired ass camera tricks

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