Comedy; USA
100 minutes
If you're going to do a movie where the running gag is how fucked up you got in Vegas and how many crazy antics you got into because of your extreme inebriation it'd probably be a good idea to some of those hilarious antics, right? But, no, that would be the obvious choice. "The Hangover" is all about shattering your expectations.
This movie could have been funny, but they decided to show the least humorous aspects of the story and then simply allude to all the funny stuff. It was an hour and a half long cock-tease, basically. "OMG, we've found ourselves in an incredibly awkward situation - I wonder how we got here? I don't know, but I bet it was funny..." That shtick gets pretty old after the 5th or 6th time it happens and by the time the credits role it's just plain annoying. There are certainly funny moments, but for the most part I just felt jipped. The funniest part of the movie was the ending credits where they finally showed pictures of the inebriated madness, which was indeed far more entertaining than the actual movie, as expected.
Give this some time if you're into: doing shit halfassed.
1 comments → Flash Reviews: The Hangover [movies]
couldnt agree more
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