Horror; UK
91 mins
If you're desperate for a new horror movie to watch you could do a lot worse than"Hush". Yea, it's low budg and a few people have a serious case of the "dumb bitches" and it's formulaic, but those aren't necessarily bad things all the time. I don't need every movie to be groundbreakingly original. Sometimes I just want to watch something that is middle of the road. I'm sure you can understand. Just because I like foie grois doesn't mean a brotha can't get down on some Chicken McNuggets every once in awhile, know what I mean? This movie's got a lot of tension, a great look (if you dig the shaky cam) and plenty of atmosphere. Plus, the ending is a LOL.
Give this some time if you're into: The Hitcher, Duel, Joy Ride, indie horror
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